Locally Owned and Operated. Headquartered in Austin, TX 78754


Construction Site Security

Job Site Security Patrol, Guard and Surveillance Services

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In today’s fast-paced construction industry, ensuring the safety and security of job sites is more critical than ever. Construction companies face a myriad of challenges, from ballooning insurance costs, theft and vandalism to fire hazards and unauthorized access. This is where hiring professional security guards and patrol services becomes essential in protecting your business. 

job site security construction company patrol services

Why Choose Us?

At 365 Security Guards, we understand the unique challenges faced by construction sites. Our dedicated team provides comprehensive security solutions to safeguard your assets and ensure the safety of your workers.

Job Site Patrol and Security

  • On-site Patrols
  • 24/7 Surveillance
  • Access Control Management
  • Incident Reporting and Response
  • Emergency Response Planning

Common Security Problems We Address

  • Compromised perimeter/gates
  • Vandalism and trespassing
  • Theft of materials, machines, and tools
  • Security of property, tools and equipment
  • Fire hazards and fire watch
  • Safety of people in the community
  • Employee carelessness
  • Unauthorized access
  • Sabotage
  • After-hours security breaches

Secure Your Construction Sites with 365 Security Patrol Guards

At 365 Security Guards, we specialize in providing comprehensive security solutions tailored for the construction industry in Austin and its surrounding cities, including San Marcos, San Antonio, Cibolo, Schertz, Kyle, and along the 281 corridor. Our approach combines the effectiveness of passive security surveillance with the vigilance of active security patrols and guards. Utilizing advanced technology such as surveillance cameras and GPS tracking, we ensure a robust security presence on your job sites.

Our partnership has proven effective, resulting in zero incidents and no complaints since implementation. We deliver daily reports that keep you informed and empowered, ultimately saving you thousands of dollars in potential losses. Trust 365 Security Guards to protect your investments and maintain a secure environment for your construction projects.